If you're anything like me you've already opened a bag of Halloween candy! I've had some m&m's and mmm... once I open the bag it's so hard to put it away! It just makes my trips to the gym all the more necessary. Here's a great ab workout that really targets the core muscles and blasts that belly!
Halloween Candy Belly Blaster
10 Plank Up Downs-Push up position, drop down to elbows one at a time than push back up to starting position one arm at a time.
Plank Hold 30 Seconds-Push up position with rear end in line with shoulders
Superman 30 Seconds- Face down on stomach, arms and legs stretched out. Raise arms and legs off the ground reaching in opposite directions
20 Crossover Mountain Climbers- Push up position bring knee to opposite shoulder and back
Plank hold 30 Seconds- Push up position with rear end in line with shoulders
Superman 30 Seconds-Face down on stomach, arms and legs stretched out. Raise arms and legs off the ground reaching in opposite directions
15 Reverse Crunches-Lie on back with feet in the air and knees bent at 90*, drop heels to the ground and return to starting position
10 Side Plank Up/Downs-In side plank position slowly raise and lower hips
Superman 30 seconds-Face down on stomach, arms and legs stretched out. Raise arms and legs off the ground reaching in opposite directions
15 Crunches-Standard crunch with hands behind neck for support
10 Side Plank Up/Downs-In side plank position slowly raise and lower hips
Superman 30 Seconds-Face down on stomach, arms and legs stretched out. Raise arms and legs off the ground reaching in opposite directions
Do each group of three exercises back to back. Repeat each group 2 times resting 25 seconds in between. Rest 1 minute and repeat with the next group of exercises.
Make sure to engage your core.